
A few times per semester, trainees or invited faculty (internal or external) will lead a demonstration or hands-on workshop on a method used in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging. Typically, these are paired with our journal club topics to continue discussions and broaden insight.

September 20, 2021
Jupyter/Executable Notebooks

[Materials] [Executable Book Template] [Code]

Shawn Rhoads


November 2, 2020
Primer on Bayes


Plamen Nikolov


September 21, 2020
Omics, RNA-Seq, and Principal Component Analysis


George Melchor


March 2, 2020
Introduction to Representational Similarity Analysis


Sri Damera


Shawn Rhoads


December 6, 2019
Workshop on Connectome-based Predictive Modeling


Emily Finn


Shawn Rhoads


October 21, 2019
Introduction to Non-Parametric Statistics in fMRI


Sri Damera


Marissa Laws


March 28, 2019
Introduction to Python

[Materials 1] [Materials 2]

Sri Damera


Katherine O'Connell


Shawn Rhoads


The above follows the all-contributors specification (see emoji key).